NEHAWU Northern Cape On The Malicious And Reckless Use Of The Union To Support An Individual For A Position IN The ANC PEC
Friday February 12, 2021
The National Education, Health and Allied Workers’ Union (NEHAWU) in the Northern Cape has noted with disgust the use of the logo and name of the national union in an attempt to lobby for support for positions in the ANC.
Currently, there is a poster circulating on social media declaring the support of NEHAWU for Mr Mbulelo Williams to occupy a position in the African National Congress (ANC) Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) of the Northern Cape. We want to clarify that we have never taken such a decision and we did not produce the poster currently in circulation. The circulation of the poster borders on imposition and interference in the affairs of the ANC.
We condemn the circulation of the poster and call on those who are responsible for its circulation to respect the internal processes of the ANC. While we agree that our members in particular and workers in general should actively participate and lead structures of the Tripartite Alliance we, however, believe that this cannot not be done opportunistically through sheer entryism.
As we continue to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic that has wreaked havoc in our lives, workers are also under attack from an arrogant employer who continues to advance a neo-liberal project of enforcing austerity measures while undermining collective bargaining to the detriment of the working class.
The Provincial Office Bearers (POBs) together with the entire leadership collective and membership are more focused on defending the hard won gains of workers. We will continue to fight for decent salaries and improved working conditions for our members and workers. In this regard, we refuse to be disturbed in our task of defending and protecting our members from exploitative employers including our uncaring government.
Issued by NEHAWU Northern Cape Provincial Secretariat
Steffen Cornelius (Provincial Secretary) at 082 455 1792
Tebogo Mompati (Provincial Deputy Secretary) at 063 685 2461